Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hope Lutheran Church Window

I designed this window for the fellowship space at Hope Lutheran Church in Des Moines, Iowa. The design represents the glory of the resurrection of Christ. The construction of the window was completed by the Liturgical Art Center at Concordia University, Nebraska. The glass block at the bottom was pre-existing. Installed July 2011.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Advent Banners

These are the banners that will hang from Advent through the Epiphany season at Hope Lutheran Church in Des Moines, Iowa. The top two images show the sanctuary banners which are 12 feet long and 2 feet wide. The bottom images are various views of the fellowship hall banners. Each banner in the fellowship hall is 27 feet long and 31 inches wide.

Pentecost Banners

These banners were made for Hope Lutheran Church in Des Moines, Iowa. The green banners are used during the Pentecost growth season of the church year. The top image shows the banners which hang in the sanctuary. The following three images show the Pentecost banners which hang in the fellowship hall.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easter Banners

These banners were made for Hope Lutheran Church in Des Moines, Iowa. The banners will be hanging in the sanctuary and fellowship hall from Easter through Trinity Sunday. The (top) sanctuary banners are 12.5 feet long by 2 feet wide. The (lower) fellowship hall banners are each 27 feet long and 31 inches wide.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lenten Banner Detail

This is a detail of the second Lenten banner hanging in the fellowship hall of Hope Lutheran Church. This banner had over 350 pieces! Lent 2010

Lenten Banners

These banners are hanging in the fellowship hall at Hope Lutheran Church. The banners are each 27 feet long and 31 inches wide. This is the first of four sets of banners that will be created for the church. Lent 2010

Lenten Banners

These Lenten banners are hanging in the sanctuary of Hope Lutheran Church, Des Moines, Iowa. I created these banners with the help of volunteers from the church. Lent 2010.